Plato |
Wednesday, 15. May 2002
Get well soon old friend
Well, I got an appointment for my cat for Friday. Friday morning he will go into the Rock Island Animal Hospital for surgery. My poor little kitty. I know it sounds odd and I will try not to turn this weblog into a shine to my cat but he means a lot to me. I have had him for a good five years. He has never been an extremely affectionate cat but every time I am sick in bed or feeling down on myself he would spend the whole day in my lap. When a new person comes to visit he will most likely be found hiding under my bed but he can spend the day following me two steps behind just so he can sit in the chair next to me as I play solitaire and drink my coffee. For those that have lived with us both know but for those who haven’t trust me when I say he is exactly like me. Just having him around is very cathartic. But for a while now he has been getting sick. When I took him into the vet he was saying stuff like he had an immune system failure and that some of his blood vessels had burst. So now his ears have swollen and he has pus leaking out. I tried to give him his medicine today but his ears where so tender and bulging that it was impossible. I know I am probably over reacting but I have been so stressed out lately. So not only has he been sick but now I have to find a way to pay for his surgery. Just once I wish things could be easy. Anyway, get well soon kitty.
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