Thursday, 30. May 2002
Un-reality TV

So, I was watching TV the other day. On this show, two secret agents, a man and a woman, were protecting a college professor. The two agents decided to take turns running surveillance. The woman went first. As she watched the professor, the man they were protecting him from came up behind her and knocked her out.

I tell ya. Writers today are so far fetched. I don’t know where they went to school but at any college I have ever been to, if a woman was standing in an open area, in the middle of the day and some man strolled up behind her and knocked her out there would be no way he would live to see the next day, let alone have the time to kidnap a professor. Because if another women happened to witness this, just one woman, within a matter of seconds a horde of ardent feminist and butch dykes the size of cement trucks would be beating the high holy shit out of this poor misguided bastard with their colossal picket signs.

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